Adonis gay bar nyc

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Icon Jack Mizrahi Gucci & The Legendary Twiggy Pucci (11pm) Devo Monique with Boy Radio, Paris L’Hommie, Roqué & Zeraiya Yōkø (10pm) I’m Baby with Jessica Henderson, Foxy Belle Afriq & C’etait BonTemps (8pm) Ginger Von Snap with Troy Lingelbach, Inita D, Stella Rise & Tina Twirler (9pm)

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Jada Valenciaga (9pm) ĭJ Michael Wilson with Jasmin Van Wales (11pm) Ruby Roo with Black Widow & Elle LC (10pm) “NYC’s Next Cabaret Star” competition hosted by Clarice Hart (9pm) DJs Ty Sunderland & Amber Valentine (10pm)

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LE BAIN / THE STANDARD: Susanne Bartsch’s “On Top” feat.BOXERS: Karaoke hosted by Kia Karr (8pm).TOWNHOUSE: Pianist Sarah Glassman (6pm).

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